Will I get notified if my father has life insurance? and how would I claim it if I’m the beneficiary?

Long story short (I should also mention I’m in canada) I’m not sure how different life insurance is between america/canada but I have no clue where else to ask. I had my uncle who I have not spoken to in over 5 years text me last night as apparently he got my number from my late grandpas common law wife, my uncle messaged me to let me know my father passed away in the hospital. I have not spoken to my father or had any contact with him since I was 15 (my decision) and I’m now 22. I looked at his facebook and in april he mentioned something about his life insurance and how he wanted to leave me something behind when he died. I never actually knew if he set it up though, and how would I find out? I asked my uncle and he doesn’t know. I’m an only child and my father wasn’t married so I believe I would be the beneficiary. Would a bank/lawyer contact me? Nobody has my contact information I’ve also moved away from my hometown so I assume nobody would tell me anything over the phone. I wasn’t close with him and had a awful childhood because of him, so if there is anything he left behind I’m entitled to as his child I would like to have it as the money could help me pay for school as I’m looking to go to school next year. Any advice is appreciated on what i could do or how i could find out what’s happening


You can do a beneficiary search…I forget the website. But we just did it for my mil and Mutual of Omaha called my husband to confirm his information and they paid right away.


The NAIC policy locator. Does Canada use the same one?


I’m in Canada too. If you can’t access his paperwork at home, I don’t think there’s another way to find out. When the policy ends, the carrier will send a notice, and you might learn about it then.

Was he still working? If yes, he might have had a policy through his group benefits. You could contact his employer to check.


No, he didn’t have any assets. He had no house, vehicle, or car. He was in the hospital for over a year before he died. He wasn’t working because he had an accident at work, and he was receiving workers’ compensation. I’m also wondering if those benefits stop or if they would be paid to me as his dependent child.


When he filled the beneficiary information he was required to enter some contact information of the beneficiary such as address, phone number, email or ssn


I lied. I just did a quick search, and you can look for policies on Olhi.ca. It seems they need to have passed at least 3 months ago for you to search. If he had no assets, he probably couldn’t afford a “paid-up” policy, so if a policy existed, he was likely paying monthly. This is good because if the policy lapses, the carrier will send a notice, and whoever checks the mail will find out. If he was on WCB, I would still contact the employer. If the employer provided benefits, he would qualify for a waiver of premiums for life, AD&D, and disability benefits. This means that as long as WCB (or the carrier) approved his claim, coverage would stay active without charging premiums. If you were the beneficiary, the employer could help guide you through the process. I think WCB also offers a small death benefit. Contact his employer—they should be able to point you in the right direction.

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Yeah I tried searching on there and it didn’t work for me. I don’t even know who his employer was. This was years ago he’s been out of work. he got hit in the arm with a sledgehammer and had surgery, So i believe workers comp they were paying him $1600 ish a month.

I’m sure that would be true. Unfortunately I’m assuming that wouldn’t be me then, as he didn’t know any of my contact information as we haven’t spoken since i was 15.