My grandma has had 3 heart surgery’s and currently got a machine that pumps blood to her heart. I’m 23(m) I live with her. The property would go to my ant, and I would have no where to stay if she decides to kick me out after my grandma passes away. Should I take this offer? I have no debt No credit 401k Roth ira $2k emergency savings My expenses such as food/rent/gas/dog food/fun is $600/month I work from home also gym home Make $2400/month
I would be left with $1k/month Can still invest on roth ira ($250/m) and 401k($250/m) plus emergency ($250/m), Work on credit
Can you guys help me decide what to do? Open to ideas Any advice?
If that’s an actual offer, take it and run. If it’s a quote, she’s unlikely to pass underwriting. She can get guaranteed issue whole life policies though. They cap out at $25k but she could buy through multiple companies.