Best way to make sales on social Media for Life Insurance?

I want to grow my social media presence to educate people about life insurance and turn that into sales. Should I include a link in my bio to a service like Ethos where people can create their policies, or should I use a link that collects their information so I can reach out to them directly? Any advice?


20+ years of experience as an agent. have made several attempts to use social media. have employed specialized workers, engaged marketing firms, or employed software to speed up the procedure. Nothing has ever yielded a return on investment that compares to what I receive from telemarketing or direct mail.

It’s difficult to truly stand out because there are so many agencies attempting to make it happen on social media.


To be honest. I’m really successful on Instagram. Providing value to individuals is crucial. as I’ve stated in previous blogs. Observe the five laws of stratospheric achievement and you’ll succeed.

If you would want a more thorough explanation, DM me.

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@Madona I’d like to DM you for advise if that’s okay.

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@Hardway Take action!

How to Market Life Insurance Successfully

Utilize Promotion on Social Media Social media advertising on the internet is a helpful tool for reaching potential clients.
Invest on click-through-rate advertisements. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on the internet is a useful tool for reaching potential clients.
Utilize Content Marketing Strategies… Create an Online Identity…

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